The rabbi and Obama flipped through a holy book on a wooden stand [in front of the kotel], but the moment was interrupted when a man standing about 10 yards away yelled over and over, "Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale! Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale!"Great move, by that heckler I have to say. A real kiddush hashem. Obama, who most likely isn't familiar with MbD or his anthem, likely walked away thinking, "those Jews, always with the buying and selling."
Lichvod Shabbos Kodesh adds: Please add this quote which sends your message home: "It was rowdier than the last time I was there, you know?" Obama told reporters on the plane. "I mean, people were sort of, like, hollering. You know I was expecting more reverence."
DB: Reminds me of what my school principle said before every class sojourn off the school grounds: "You are representing your parents, your grandparents, your community, and your school. Don't let us down." This foolish heckler let us down.