A guest post from http://muqata.blogspot.com/
Some of the JBlogosphere's biggest cynics, skeptics and bashers comment here at DovBear's blog. You know who they are. We all do.
Granted, they keep things entertaining -- but the JBlogosphere is far from being only them; not everyone is infected by their pessimism. While their ranting occasionally drowns out the good, I would like to share some of the positive. [Ed note: The views expressed here do not reflect the opinions of the management. We heart the comments. ]
The following is from my friend's blog, CoffeeandChemo.
Some of the JBlogosphere's biggest cynics, skeptics and bashers comment here at DovBear's blog. You know who they are. We all do.
Granted, they keep things entertaining -- but the JBlogosphere is far from being only them; not everyone is infected by their pessimism. While their ranting occasionally drowns out the good, I would like to share some of the positive. [Ed note: The views expressed here do not reflect the opinions of the management. We heart the comments. ]
The following is from my friend's blog, CoffeeandChemo.
I am still on speaking terms with God.
That's not to say that I'm not having a bit of a crisis. But, so far, no major crisis of faith...
I don't understand why this is happening. But, as I always say, things could be worse. So I am grateful that the cancer was discovered when it was and that I live in a time when there are really good drugs that can keep me alive for a long time.
Still, I wanted to do something more.
I wanted to respond to my situation in a religious way. I already asked everyone I know to pray for me. And I am on a number of Tehillim lists (groups who say recite all of Psalms in someone's merit).
But what should I do? What could I take on without it being too much for me at this time?
I didn't want to take on something that I couldn't keep up. So, I decided that I would focus on something that I do already, and try to do it "better". So, I am trying to say brachot (blessings) out loud and with more kavanah (focused intention).
Many years ago, when I was in college, I accompanied a friend to her family's home for Shabbat. After I said a bracha (blessing) quietly, her father asked why I had said the bracha quietly and denied him the ability to answer "amen", which would give him the merit of having participated in the bracha. I didn't have an answer then, and that question has stayed with me for years.
I still feel a little silly, saying the brachot out loud. But I am working on it.
When you want to take a break from the cynics and appreciate a fresh breathe of optimism and emuna, visit her blog after your daily (hourly?) read at Dovbear.
Wishing RivkA bat Tirzel a Refuah Shelaima. [Ed note: Omein, vchen yehi rotzon]
Jameel @ TheMuqata
(And of course, thanks again to DB for the posting rights -- that's another reason for optimism.)