1 - The Republican House leadership has presided over a culture of corruption. Abramahoff, Delay, Foley, Cunnigham, etc. It's time to drain the swamp
2 - Her Democrats are committed to fiscal responsibility. No more stupid tax cuts for people who don't need them, while soldiers go without body armor. No more sweet deals for Haliburton. No more cutting programs that working people depend on for the purpose of funding tax cuts for the richest 1 percent.
3 - She will restore civility to the House. Democrats havn't gotten a bill on the floor in 12 years. The leadership stifles their ammendments, and run roghshod over the minority members. That isn't how the govt of this country was traditionally run, and it is a system that's bad for democracy.
4 - In the first 100 hours she will pass bills that will (a) raise the min wage (b) carry out the 9/11 commissions recomendations (c) permit stem cell research. Finally.