Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On Being Reasonable


Lebanese blogger The Perpetual Refugee wrote "I wonder when the world will realize that this has gone on for way too long....the moderates are now becoming radicalized."

To which I commented:

It appears to me, as Michael Totten said, Hizbollah is willing to fight Israel to the last Lebanese.

It would seem compromise together with respect is not an option. And while I don't discount Israeli attitude, somehow during times of 'peace' it's the Jews who keep dying.

As for your comment "the moderates are now becoming radicalized", I agree but that's not one sided either. While Hizbollah has made a point about the 'effectiveness' of being radical to the Arab world, they've made a point of the non-effectiveness of being reasonable to us.

(Cross posted to Mystical Paths and Dovbear.)

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