Wednesday, January 05, 2005


It's no secret that I dislike Charles Johnson and LGF - mostly because he tolerates people who say things like this:

"I really don't consider it killing. It's simply [the] extermination of vermin, diseased vermin..." and this "If every subhuman piece of excrement in the... camp dies slowly and painfully of starvation, I'll have a great [holiday]!"

I'm sure if we went back and transcribed (and translated) the beer hall boasts of certain lower class German men in the late 1920s or early 1930s those boasts would sound a lot like many of the comments I've seen on LGF. For whatever reason, the LGF comment section attracts the same sort of ugliness, and it is absolutely repelling.

But here I've also posted a big long entry on the merits of allowing free discussion. And Lord knows I tolerate my share of whack-jobs in my own coment section... so by my own lights, what has Chalres done wrong?

Shouldn't I be congratulating Charles for allowing us to see how demented and dangerous some of his readers are?

I need to think about this some more.