Thursday, January 13, 2005


Sounding very much like a Townhall-based, ACLU-hating pundit, Paul writes:

...once again we have the "Jewish groups", led by the Wiesenthal Center, who are not even UK citizens, wading in with pompous and censorious comments about the juvenile antics of a not-very-bright 20 year old. Let his parents deal with him. Let British war veterans make their feelings clear, if they wish to. But I think it's a mistake to make every WW2 / Nazi issue an exclusively or mainly "Jewish" issue. It isn't, and it isn't in our interests to make it so.

We disagree, but nevermind; it seems, his daughter Miriam also is of another opinion.

In her report in the J-Post on affair l'Harry, the "pompous and censorious" dean of the Wiesenthal Center is allowed to fulminate for four whole paragraphs!!

Signs of a rift in the house of Shaviv? And would the Wiesenthal dean have spoken so freely to daughter Miriam had he known of father Paul's feelings?

In the comments: Mrs. Shaviv speaks!