Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Nope, we're not wondering why MoChassid rented out space to someone with sexually ambiguous intentions.

And no, we're also not wondering why Ted Kennedy sits in Washington, and not Sumatra, given the Senator’s vast, and well-documented experience with victims of drowning.

No, no, the flood-related question of the day is this: Why did George W. Bush change his mind?

As the president and his fans have no doubt forgotten, our original relief pledge was $15 million, or about 1/3 of the cost of Prezzy’s upcoming inauguration spectacular. Then it was increased to $35 million, before being upped again to $350 million. What gives?

Why did the president change his mind? Did he –ZOUNDS- take a poll? Did he - HORRORS - make a mistake? Did he – TALLY-HO - read the newspaper? Did Jesus, in their first conversation on the day of the disaster, provide the president with bad advice?

How out of character for Jesus, and also for our mistake-free, resolute, non-newspaper-reading leader.

What do you, the president’s gap-mouthed supporters, think transpired? Why did the president change his mind?