Thursday, January 06, 2005


Don't get me wrong. I think the current approach (talking about it during chazeres hashatz) is swell, but I'm not seeing good results. Maybe we should "ramp up" and discuss it during Torah reading, too?

Or perhaps the answer is to boycott SUVs.

Though I can't prove it via a clever hyperlink, my hunch is that some of our gasoline comes from Arab lands. I further suspect that some of the money we send to Kuwait in exchange for oil tankers ends up in the wrong hands. The New York Times agrees
Part of the price of every extra gallon helps, albeit indirectly, to finance mosques and religious schools all over the world that spread a fanatical variant of Islam that sees legitimacy in terrorist attacks. This financing, amounting to billions of dollars a year, comes from the government and private charities of Saudi Arabia, a country that is now taking in roughly $80 billion a year from oil exports.
So, wouldn't it help -- even a little bit - if we stopped buying those gus guzzlers, that are as big as minor air-craft carriers?

What do you think? Jews are big boycotters: We don't buy German prodcuts, or products made by companies that boycott Israel. So why not add SUVs to the list?

[Related Jewlicious]