Thursday, December 09, 2004


He's guest-posting from time-to-time at Hasidic Gentile [Via: Israely Cool]

In the first guest-post, Reb Lazer tells a story about Aristotle I wish he had sourced:
I'll be more specific: Aristotle, the successor to Socrates and Plato as the granddad of Greek philosophy, was once lying in the gutter in a drunken stupor, wallowing around in his own vomit, after a marathon eating and drinking binge. His students found him, and astounded, asked, "Teacher, where are the beauty and the esthetics, the teachings of our esteemed Aristotle?"Aristotle belched, then replied: "Ah, in the classroom, I'm the esteemed teacher. After class, I'm plain old Aristotle."
Can anyone supply a reference. Google was no help. [Sidenote: Aren't the details great? 2000 years later and we not only know what Aristotle said, we know that he belched first. Unfortunately for me, this sort of specifity, 2000 years after the fact, makes me question the validity of the whole tale.]

[related Reb Lazer's Chanukah Message (Guest Post)]