Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Hmmmm... Maybe if I run a meandering post on hair covering Simcha's acolytes will come running to post comments. If I am lucky the big boys (anon, Mykroft) will appear to make a show of their learning, and maybe even Steve Brizel will visit to insult Modern Orthodoxy. Of course, it won't be a party if Man From Mars isn't there calling everyone names. Sigh. So exciting. And of course, once the dust settles, I'll hurry to run a post boasting about all the yummy comments.


Blog ho said...

You have sponsors?

DovBear said...

Doesn't everyone?

Anonymous said...

The anon in that thread is a big girl not a big boy.

Kindest regards,

The artist formerly known as anon

Noam S said...

Funny how it all turned out isn't it? Your only mistake is that you somehow think it was all done to attract lots of comments, rather than have a discussion on a serious topic. Not everything here in internet land is intended to be a joke(if I seem to be in a serious mood, I am, you only have to read the most recent in my blog to see why.)