"The President appointed Commissioner Kerik because he knows he is someone who is firmly committed to helping us win the war on terrorism and make sure that we are doing everything we can to protect the homeland. We have full confidence in his integrity "
--From Scottie "Boy" McClellan's press briefing
This is getting sleazier by the minute. And forget the White House's inability to conduct proper background checks. How did Bernie Kerick manage to escape scrutiny in New York? And forget the Nanny. The past few days have seen news reports about a rash of possible personal and professional improprieties including big stock-option windfalls, connections with people suspected of doing business with the mob, and, on Monday, allegations he had simultaneous extramarital affairs with two women.
Wasn't Rudy G, aka, America's Mayor his boss in those days? What will the next round of revelations tell us about him?
As they say, pass the popcorn.