Thursday, December 09, 2004


Dennis Prager writes:
"...take the widely held liberal slogan "War is not the answer." It is pure irrationality. War has ended more evil than anything the left has ever thought of. In the last 60 years alone, it ended Nazism and the Holocaust; it saved half of Korea from genocide; it kept Israel from national extinction and a second Holocaust; it saved Finland from becoming a Stalinist totalitarian state; and according to most of the people who put "War is not the answer" stickers on their bumpers, it saved Bosnian Muslims from ethnic cleansing."
Small oversight, though, on Prager's part. Those wars he is so gosh darn proud about were fought by liberals.

Nazism and the Holocaust (Roosevelt)
Saved half of Korea from genocide (Truman)
Kept Israel from national extinction and a second Holocaust (Golda and Eshkol)
Saved Finland from becoming a Stalinist totalitarian state (Roosevelt again)
Saved Bosnian Muslims from ethnic cleansing. (Clinton)

So Prager, I agree: War is the answer - but only when liberals are doing the fighting.

[Via: Yehupy]