In case you missed it, too, let me give you the moron's mindless money quote:
People are starting to go to Israel for the right reasons. Years ago aliya was for people who were running away from something. They weren't successful. They didn't have a successful marriage. They were coming because there was a reason. They weren't role models. But today I see really successful people. Young people. Doctors, lawyers, business people, finance people, who are giving it up not to come here to starve. Not to schnorr from their parents.Subtext: If you moved to Israel "years ago" you are a failure and a loser. That country you built, with the roads and the army and the desert blooming? Dumb luck. Anyone could have done that. Also Ben Gurion and Golda (not to mention the Chazon Ish and CY Sonnefeld and all the others who went to Israel for the wrong reasons) are not role models. Ignore them. They weren't doctors. They weren't lawyers. They were failures. Who went to Israel to starve. Because they had bad marriages. And money problems. And bad breath. And ingrown toenails. Probably.
All together now: SNORT
For more, go to sarah, who was right on top of this from the beginning.
UPDATE: I've been reminded that some olim from long ago were, in fact, "running away" from something, ie: Nazism. Too bad more "failures" and low-life non-doctors didn't go with them.
UPDATE II: The bozo needs to step aside or apologize. A brain capable of uttering such inanities shouldn’t be permitted around heavy machinery.