Monday, December 13, 2004


Israel is getting closer to giving legal rights to same sex couples. The, right, of course is lashing out. "It's not what God wants," they insist. But until Israel become a torah state, willing to publicly stone adulterers and shabbat desecrators, its inappropriate for Israel, the state, to fret about a consenting relationship between adults. That relationship might be a sin, of course, but Israel, the state, was not established to punish sinners.

Meanwhile, on these shores, Bill O'Reilly wishes he had the power to punnish sinners, too. (note: by sinner we think Bill means people who say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas;" not accused sexual offenders)

And because it helps put us in the Holiday spirit, here's National Lampoon's Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time