Thursday, December 09, 2004


After 13,000 votes cast electronically in Daytona Beach were lost in a computer crash, we've decided to stop counting the votes, and to let Justice "I hate activist judges!" Renquist decide.

Decision expected sometime next Spring.


  • Three Jewish grandmothers from Florida voted for him

  • Michael Lerner issued a press release urging Jewish voters to reject the Jewish candidate. These guys are put forward as an alternative candidate. [Subtext: Goyim might notice us!]

  • Overnight ad from "Protocols Vets for Truth" presents third-hand testimony from somebody who has never met the first-hand source to suggest that "Miriam Bloghd is no war hero," and that "She lacks the capacity to lead." Talk to the men who served with her, and all.

  • Luke, the incumbant, calls a press conference of carefully screened and adoring journalists to assure us that he is resolute, and that he has good character. No details supplied. Tough questions ignored. Odd mystery bulge noticed attached to his back. Luke blames his tailor and offers to show us his "other mystery bulges."