Gerald Allen, a small-minded lawmaker from Alabama wishes to ban novels with gay characters from Alabama's public libraries. I'll bet he takes a much softer position on novels featuring incestuous, meth-shooting, trailer-park characters.
Anyway, the logistics of banning books in Alabama are impossible. I know this from experience. Once, I was arrested for smuggling books into Alabama, or one of those other look-alike states on the other side of the Hudson. The judge had to let me off. You know why? No one could prove they were books.
Now, to honor Mr. Allen's proposal, we present a few of our (other) favorite Alabama jokes:
A new law recently passed in Alabama: When a couple gets divorced, they're still brother and sister.
Q. What do they call smart people in Alabama?
A. Visitor.
Q: Did you hear that the governor's mansion in Birmingham, Alabama burned down?
A: Yep. Near took out the whole trailer park.
Q. How did the Alabama student die drinking milk?
A. A cow fell on him.
Two Albama people have been walking in the woods for eight hours when they stop and one turns to the other and says, "I'm cutting the next Christmas tree we find, lights or no lights."
Q. What's the difference between a University of Alabama sorority sister and a scarecrow?
A. One lives in a field and is stuffed with hay. The other frightens birds and small animals