Wednesday, November 03, 2004

WHY I AM SAD ABOUT THE ELECTION RESULTS: Oh, where to start? I’m sad because American made the wrong choice, in the wrong place and at the wrong time re-electing a grade-A moron to the highest office in the land. I am sad because Orthodox Jews, largely, were complicity in this, joining the hillbillies, rubes, bumpkins, bigots and jackaninies to create one of the oddest political coalitions I've even seen. The evangelical Christians are happy, so I am not. When those people cackle, my scar burns. I'm sad that Americans think Bush's simplicity and supposed sincerity are virtues that outstrip his demonstrated incompetence. Haliburton is going to get richer and Osama is going to get stronger as a result of yesterday’s vote, and more of our soldiers will die. I'm sad about that, too.

Most of all, I am sad because the Rabbis were right - America is a land of thoughtless, selfish boors - and this election proves it.