Whoever wins, please let him win big.
Kos explains why:
"There are two battles being fought Tuesday. The battle for the electoral vote -- which will decide the next president, and the battle for the popular vote -- which will confer legitimacy on the victor.
Now I know Bush didn't win the popular vote in 2000. We all know that. And we all know he governed as though he had a 400-EV-mandate. But fact is, a president-elect Kerry who loses the popular vote will not get the same benefit of the doubt as Bush did. The media environment is still too hostile, and the hypocrites on the Right will wield it as a tool.
If there's one thing Kerry has done, it's deny the Right much ammunition to use against him. We need to deny the Right the chance to delegitimize a Kerry presidency because of the popular vote. Let's make this a clean victory all around.
That means voting for Kerry if you're either in the Bluest of states, or the Reddest of states. Every vote will count. None of this 'swapping with Nader voters' stuff. So while my vote in California won't help elect Kerry, it can help legitimize his presidency.
The world needs to hear that the majority of Americans have rejected the Bush presidency. None of us can be complacent, no matter where we live."
DovBear has this to add: Ignore Kos' partisan whining. We're screwed either way, ladies and gentlemen. It's all the same. no matter which of the lying slimebag wins (though I confess my bias for the lying slimebag that went to Vietnam, and didn't foul up the war or the economy.) I just hope that the LS that comes out ahead on Tueday has a clear mandate. Otherwise it's going to be 4 more years of this crap from Kos and his scumbag doppelgangers on the right.