Tuesday, June 09, 2015

In which I compare a chazan to a horse.

Pharoh-shmaroh. You want to feel the chills race down your back? Check out Secretariat's epic performance at Belmont 42 years ago today.

The money moment is @2:28 when the announcers lets us know that Secretariat "is moving like a tremendous machine" as the horse activates what had to have been a rocket propulsion system and  begins to move away from the field. Truly a remarkable performance.

To give this post its Jewish angle, I invite you to consider the other-wordly Yisroel Meir Hefgott @38 below.

Helfgot is so good here it's almost criminal. And if you take the time to listen to the rest of the concert you'll understand my Secretariat comparison. At this concert, Helfgot appears with other world class voices - every other performer is a super star - yet he just blows them away. He's Secretariat at the Belmont... a tremedous machine.

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