On the post below this one, there's an argument as to whether or not coercion is used in Hasidic enclaves like Kiryas Joel and New Square.
On Twitter, exiles from both places have weighed in:
@DovBear @FrimetG In NS, I saw slashed tires and shattered windows for not honoring the rebbe for a bris.
— Shulem Deen (@shdeen) June 11, 2015
@DovBear @FrimetG Friend in W'sburg had his kids expelled from school b/c of rumors he had a rowdy Purim party w/ non-frum guests.
— Shulem Deen (@shdeen) June 11, 2015
@DovBear @FrimetG Guy I know in BP forbidden to step foot in Belz shul b/c of rumored things he wrote on the Internet.
— Shulem Deen (@shdeen) June 11, 2015
@DovBear @shdeen, jeez, let's see: my son was expelled from yeshiva, the only one in town, because I didn't shave my head.
— Frimet Goldberger (@FrimetG) June 11, 2015
@DovBear @shdeen @FrimetG Forget KJ, I grew up in lukewarm Monsey, and was threatened with violence when our fishtank was mistaken for a TV.
— Ari Mandel (@HeathenHassid) June 11, 2015
On the original thread, apologists for the Hasidim (and one imagines that they are either entirely ignorant or on the payroll) insist this is a simple case of no shoes=no service. Living in a heiliga place like KJ comes with certain obligations. Meet the obligations, and you get to stay. Fail to meet the obligations, and the natural outcome is an invitation to leave. No different from how a swanky club operates.
What these apologists don't quite grock is that the "invitation" to leave is often accompanied by acts of violence, or social ostracism. In addition, you don't often lose everything - your children, friends and social and business networks - when a club tosses you out.
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