Huge argument raging right now Twitter about the next big Internet Asifa scheduled for the end of May in Citi Field. Let me briefly summarize the other positions:
#1: The Asifa is just the latest attempt by the zealots and the gedolim they control to control our thoughts
#2: They're worried about a neo-hashkofa haskola* and are trying to limit access to blogs and the like
#3: They fear their authority is eroding
* I first heard the phrase "neo-haskola" from Mis-nagid in 2005, and have used it promiscuously ever since
To which I reply: No, sorry. This Asifa has nothing to do with any of that. They've given up trying to ban the Internet, and the average haredi isn't interested in thinking or reading. The problem, primarily, is porn.
To which the others reply (paraphrased): But people have always looked at porn! That can't be the issue! Its a scam! A trick! They don't really care about porn! They are just using that as an excuse! What they really want to do is run our lives, and close our minds. If they are saying they care about porn, they are a bunch of liars! And hypocrites! Porn has always been a problem! How dare they make believe that they all of a sudden care!
To which I reply: Sure people have always looked at porn, but over the last few years porn has become easier to consume. You can do it quickly, privately and at no cost. The desire to look at porn is a constant, I agree. But the obstacles to looking at porn have been mostly removed. When obstacles disappear consumption goes up. That's ECO 101.
To which they reply: What are you talking about? You could ALWAYS look at porn
To which I reply: Sure people have always looked at porn, but over the last few years its become easier. You can do it quickly, privately and at no cost. The desire to look at porn is a constant, I agree. But the obstacles to looking at porn have been mostly removed. When obstacles disappear consumption goes up. That's ECO 101
For some reason, my opponents are unable or unwilling to understand this. In their replies, they point out again, and again in various ways, that porn was always available. What they aren't grasping is that nowadays more people are seeing more porn because, thanks to the Internet, the porn-watching experience has become so simple. In yesteryear, a shy kid might not be brave enough to ask an older cousin for a magazine, and he might not have had the money to buy one himself. Plus there was always the danger of being spotted in the store, or of the parents finding the contraband. Today, none of that is a worry. The teenager of 2012 can sit with his iPod and feast at a never-ending porn shmorg -- all free, all private, with little to no risk of discovery. As a result, porn consumption has skyrocketed.
The purpose of the Asifa is to raise awareness and to discuss solutions. The analogy I gave on Twitter is this: Say you lived in a neighborhood that was frequently visited by bears. The non-idiots in the community would understand immediately that bears are attracted by food and you can encourage them to move on by cutting off their food supply. The non-idiots would take down their bird feeders and keep their garbage in doors for as long as possible. Expert non-idiots might start treating their garbage with some kind of bear repellent. But what abut the non-idiots who just don't know about the bear? What about the people who are idiots? Until both groups are told about the problem and taught bear-control procedures, the bear will keep coming back. So, what you need to do is have a public meeting, where the problem can be publicized and solutions can be taught.
Its the same with the porn problem. Non-idiots already have filters and are already watching their kids and teaching them how to make good choices. But most people are not non-idiots. Most people don't know what to do, and may not even be aware of the severity of problem. For instance, most people don't know (until its too late) that a kid with an iPod is running a XXX theater during recess. Most people don't know (until its too late) that their 15 year old texts on shabbos. Most people don't know (until its too late) that their spouse has developed an inappropriate friendship with someone on Facebook How do you fix that? How do you protect people before it's too late? By raising awareness at a public meeting, which is just another word for asifa.
I'm oversimplifying. Other problems the asifa will tackle include kids who text on shabbos, adults who look at porn, and married people who use the Internet to form emotional connections with members of the opposite sex or to meet extramarital partners and set up assignations. All of that happens today with greater frequency for the same reason 14 year old boys see more porn: Its become cheaper and easier to do. The purpose of the asifa is to raise awareness about all of these problems and to let people know what they can do to protect themselves and their families.
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#1: The Asifa is just the latest attempt by the zealots and the gedolim they control to control our thoughts
#2: They're worried about a neo-
#3: They fear their authority is eroding
* I first heard the phrase "neo-haskola" from Mis-nagid in 2005, and have used it promiscuously ever since
To which I reply: No, sorry. This Asifa has nothing to do with any of that. They've given up trying to ban the Internet, and the average haredi isn't interested in thinking or reading. The problem, primarily, is porn.
To which the others reply (paraphrased): But people have always looked at porn! That can't be the issue! Its a scam! A trick! They don't really care about porn! They are just using that as an excuse! What they really want to do is run our lives, and close our minds. If they are saying they care about porn, they are a bunch of liars! And hypocrites! Porn has always been a problem! How dare they make believe that they all of a sudden care!
To which I reply: Sure people have always looked at porn, but over the last few years porn has become easier to consume. You can do it quickly, privately and at no cost. The desire to look at porn is a constant, I agree. But the obstacles to looking at porn have been mostly removed. When obstacles disappear consumption goes up. That's ECO 101.
To which they reply: What are you talking about? You could ALWAYS look at porn
To which I reply: Sure people have always looked at porn, but over the last few years its become easier. You can do it quickly, privately and at no cost. The desire to look at porn is a constant, I agree. But the obstacles to looking at porn have been mostly removed. When obstacles disappear consumption goes up. That's ECO 101
For some reason, my opponents are unable or unwilling to understand this. In their replies, they point out again, and again in various ways, that porn was always available. What they aren't grasping is that nowadays more people are seeing more porn because, thanks to the Internet, the porn-watching experience has become so simple. In yesteryear, a shy kid might not be brave enough to ask an older cousin for a magazine, and he might not have had the money to buy one himself. Plus there was always the danger of being spotted in the store, or of the parents finding the contraband. Today, none of that is a worry. The teenager of 2012 can sit with his iPod and feast at a never-ending porn shmorg -- all free, all private, with little to no risk of discovery. As a result, porn consumption has skyrocketed.
The purpose of the Asifa is to raise awareness and to discuss solutions. The analogy I gave on Twitter is this: Say you lived in a neighborhood that was frequently visited by bears. The non-idiots in the community would understand immediately that bears are attracted by food and you can encourage them to move on by cutting off their food supply. The non-idiots would take down their bird feeders and keep their garbage in doors for as long as possible. Expert non-idiots might start treating their garbage with some kind of bear repellent. But what abut the non-idiots who just don't know about the bear? What about the people who are idiots? Until both groups are told about the problem and taught bear-control procedures, the bear will keep coming back. So, what you need to do is have a public meeting, where the problem can be publicized and solutions can be taught.
Its the same with the porn problem. Non-idiots already have filters and are already watching their kids and teaching them how to make good choices. But most people are not non-idiots. Most people don't know what to do, and may not even be aware of the severity of problem. For instance, most people don't know (until its too late) that a kid with an iPod is running a XXX theater during recess. Most people don't know (until its too late) that their 15 year old texts on shabbos. Most people don't know (until its too late) that their spouse has developed an inappropriate friendship with someone on Facebook How do you fix that? How do you protect people before it's too late? By raising awareness at a public meeting, which is just another word for asifa.
I'm oversimplifying. Other problems the asifa will tackle include kids who text on shabbos, adults who look at porn, and married people who use the Internet to form emotional connections with members of the opposite sex or to meet extramarital partners and set up assignations. All of that happens today with greater frequency for the same reason 14 year old boys see more porn: Its become cheaper and easier to do. The purpose of the asifa is to raise awareness about all of these problems and to let people know what they can do to protect themselves and their families.
Search for more information about your spouses inappropriate Facebook relationship at