Remember the marvelous Jewish stories you read growing up? Were Rivkah and Hadassah your heroes? Enjoyed the Yiddish writings of Sholom Aleichem and Isaac Bashevis Singer? Imagined yourself as a contemporary Jewish writing star for children, like Datia Ben-Dor, Shmuel Blitz, or Goldie Golding? Well here is your opportunity! wants to crown the next literary giant in the field of Jewish literature and they are offering four short story contests. The first is the “Early Childhood Story Contest”, for which on top of the cash prize, the first place winner may get their story illustrated and published! Competing stories are geared for ages 3-7. The second is a short story for tweens, ages 8-12. The third is a general short story contest and the fourth is a Jewish poetry contest. Submit a previously unpublished work with original Jewish content. Prizes are as high as $250 - $500, but winners also benefit from the prestige of winning one of these very competitive contests, and may receive the opportunity to have their story published in the annual Anthology!
Entries cost $25 and you can receive a further critique of your work for $35. All submissions must be received by March 15th, 2012. For more details, visit thecontest site.