Which blog has the frumest readers? Hard to say, but an argument might be made that my readers are frumer then those who read the radically insane, pro-Israel blogs.
Just now, I checked the stats on three of the bigger ones (No, I won't be naming them. I'm not interested in starting any kind of blog war right now) and compared them with my own. Guess who suffered (by far) the largest decline in readership over Yom Tov? Me.
On Tuesday, day one of Yom Tov, I had 197 unique visits. On the Tuesday, March 23, I had 1106. On Wednesday, day 2 of Yom Tov, there were 287 unique visits. On Wednesday, March 24, there were 1050.
In other words more than 70 percent of my so-called lefty, religion-hating readers stayed away from DovBear on the holiday. Meanwhile, over at the three super-star RW blogs I chose for comparisons sake there was no such decline. All of them had solid Wednesdays, and decent Tuesdays: I don't think a single one of them lost more than 20 percent.