The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |
Pope Opera | ||
In the clip above we see that the 2000-year old commie-liberal Jewish desire to damage, demolish, destroy, and defeat our good friends in the Catholic Church is both alive and well. The clip shows that damn, dirty, liberal, hippie Jon Stewart bashing kind, elderly pedophilic priests, and their genial cover-up leading Pope, in a manner that is disrespectful using a tone that is unkind. No doubt, Stewart also has an agenda, likely connected to his non-Jewish wife. As a result Jon Stewart's point, assuming he even has one, is to be ignored per the Official Torah True Orthodox Jewish Rule for Evaluating and Responding to Criticism*
Please note: There are all sorts of differences between how the Church and Agudah responded to their respective child abuse scandals. Huge differences. I can't think of any right at this particular moment, but believe you me they exist. Also, the main so-called "similarities" are coincidences. The fact that both organizations denied the allegations, disparaged the victims, and blamed the liberals proves nothing.
Moment during the clip in which I dribbled water through my nose: @3:05 It features the Pope's own personal preacher claiming that the newspapers, and other parties attempting to uncover and tell the truth about the Church's crimes and indiscretions are acting just like antisemites. For realsky.
* The Official Torah True Orthodox Jewish Rule for Evaluating and Responding to Criticism is as follows: If we don't like the message then we pick on the "tone" and denounce the "agenda" and mention his non-Jewish wife (if possible).
Helpful hints for implementation of the Official Torah True Orthodox Jewish Rule for Evaluating and Responding to Criticism: No matter what arguments are raised, respond as follows: "But he has an agenda! And he used such a nasty tone! Plus his wife isn't Jewish!" (This really works.)
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