A Guest Post by Rafi G
(originally posted on LII)
Hamodia has joined the late 20th century and now has a website!
Chaptzem is upset at Hamodia because of a perceived hypocrisy in the sense that Hamodia has, first of all, always been so anti, but more so because until now they have rejected advertisements that contained websites. And suddenly they are starting their own site!
(Thanks to Parshablog for pointing them out)
If you look at the comments there, it looks like people generally agree with those sentiments.
I disagree. I think we should praise Hamodia for finally having the courage to take the jump. So they used to be against it? Nobody changes their mind? Circumstances are different now. Maybe they see that they will not succeed without a website. Maybe they see the web is so prevalent, they already lost that battle.
About the ads, I am not sure what Chaptzem is talking about. Pick up the paper of any week (in English) and you will see ads with websites. They got rid of that policy (unofficially at least) a long time ago.
So, we condemn them when they oppose the internet, and now we condemn them when they accept the internet. What do we want from them exactly?
I think Hamodia made a good move starting a website. I hope it helps the marketing of their newspaper.
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