Scientists are gaga over their Gedolim (e.g. Darwin) and chronically incapable of critically evaluating their received wisdom. This is why we must ignore everything science says. Also (and don't get whiplash as Avi flip flops) scientists are constantly replacing and updating their theories as new information becomes available. This is also why we must just ignore everything science says.Avi is already being bloodied by his own commenters (I'm shocked Menken is letting the contrary comments appear. Since when does that blog let the opposition speak?) so, I'll just make these two tiny points:
1 - Basically, Safron's style of Orthodox Judaism is 1000 percent guilty of what he says about science, while science (though perhaps not individual scientists) is 10000 percent innocent. Orthodox Jews are the ones who ignore facts that are inconvenient or unpleasant. Orthodox Jews are the ones who question nothing, and accept everything blindly. We're the ones who drool over Gedolim stories, for example, and silence rational dissent.
2 - The fact the science is a work in progress, with ideas that are constantly being refined, is a point in science's favor, not an argument for discarding everything science says.
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