Like all MO people online and in the world at large, I was devestated back in October when newcomer Chardal proclaimed "My impression so far is that the most popular blogs seems to be MO blogs where an actual Torah source is a rare find."
Now, to be fair to Chardal, that redicoulous quote comes from one of his first posts, obviously written before he discovered all of the popular MO blogs which virtually overflow with Torah sources, blogs like DovBear, Godol Hador, ParshaBlog, On the Main Line, and RenReb, among many others.* But in the three months since he wrote those words, Charlie has been all over the blogosphere. He's had time to see that he was wrong. He's had time to issue a retraction.
Maybe I am naive, but I was certain the two source-filled posts I wrote this week about Esav and Chanuka were going to bring him around. I honestly expected a kind note of apology in my morning email, and maybe even a bouquet of flowers. Oh well.
Perhaps Charlie just didn't approve of what the sources demonstrated.
[Fun interactive feature! Clink on the names of the blogs listed above and you'll be taken to posts written by MO bloggers which contain Torah sources! Warning: The RenReb post is that long, multi-part one about bedika, the one with all the icky feminine details. Click at your own risk.]