Thursday, November 10, 2005

Will the real Toby Katz please stand up?

"It's not only the most difficult thing to know one's self, but the most inconvenient."
-John Billings

Today Toby Katz asks: "Rashi says that Hagar assumed that Sarah must not be as righteous as she seemed, or G-d would have given her a child, just as He gave a baby to the “righteous” Hagar. What do you think of a person who assumes that if anything bad happens to someone, that person somehow must deserve it? What do you think of a person who assumes that if anything bad happens to someone, that person somehow must deserve it?!"

Excellent sentiment, Toby. Really marvelous. But, hey! Wait a second. Aren't you the same person who famously proclaimed: "...we can say for certain that it is no coincidence the Holocaust started in Berlin.