Friday, August 05, 2005

Depressing News from Brooklyn

Right on the heels, of Fudge's touching complaint, comes this blog from Brooklyn.

Aidel Maidel is trying to choose a school for her three year old daughter, and she appears to have settled on "Bais Surah":
The school is an old school, with all Yiddish through high school. The girls do not earn a Regents Diploma. They don't learn any secular subjects before seventh grade (math is the exception)
I don't like telling people how to raise their kids (even though Aidel did ask for the opinions of her readership) so instead I'll cite one of her commenters, the aptly named "Bas Kol:"
Nothing personal, but what are you doing to this kid?

Chinuch is supposed to prepare you for life, to prepare you to make good choices, and to face the world. How in the world is sending her to a place that teaches her absolutely nothing useful going to accomplish that?

If you want your daughter to grow up to be an ignorant smei-slave-housewife, without the skills to support her husband in learning, or the knowledge it takes to be a real companion to him, by all means choose Beis Sarah.

But because you've been in the world, and because you blog, and because you have a degree of your own, and because you know how damn hard it is in the real world dor people who have no skills and no knowledge, I hope you know better, and I pray you'll choose better.

Posted by The Bas Kol : 10:00 PM
Me, too, Aidel. Me, too.