Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Noting that President Bunnypants has admitted that individual accounts would do nothing to solve the Social Security system's long-term financial problems, Tiny Revolution sums up the debate, with a skit:

GEORGE: Do you agree that pigeons taking craps on public statues is a problem?

MARY: Pigeons? Uh, sure. It would be nicer if they didn't. I mean, it's not happening much now, but I know it might in forty years or so if pigeons keep breeding the way they are.

GEORGE: So you agree we must build a giant laser to destroy Mars!

MARY: What?

GEORGE: You said there's a pigeon-crapping crisis!

MARY: Hold on. I didn't call it a 'crisis.' And also --

GEORGE: But you agreed there's a problem! We cannot be so irresponsible as to pass this pigeon-crapping problem, crisis, bloodbath, whatever term you want, onto our children. Therefore we must spend 20 trillion dollars on a giant laser to destroy Mars!

MARY: 20 trillion dollars? Geez, I almost died of dysentery because our town's water system is broken. I'd much rather --

GEORGE: So... you're an obstructionist! You agree there's an incipient holocaust of pigeon-crapping, yet you want to do nothing. Disgusting.

MARY: Uh, whatever. But I'm confused by this laser idea. What does that have to do with pigeons?

GEORGE: Nothing whatsoever!

MARY: ... come again?

GEORGE: I must be honest. Building a laser to destroy Mars has nothing to do with the pigeons. But you agree we're about to all die from pigeon-crapping. We've got to do something. And any solution must include a giant laser to destroy Mars!

MARY: I don't get it. What else do you think should be part of the solution?

GEORGE: That's easy: in the future, pigeons will continue to crap on statues. But we shall no longer refer to it as pigeon-crapping. It will be called 'pigeon-giving.' The catastrophe will be averted" The catastrophe will be averted! And most important of all, WE WILL HAVE BUILT A GIANT LASER TO DESTROY MARS!!!!!