Monday, November 08, 2004


Can Conservatives continue to bemoan the "liberal" media now, that FOX is ranked No. 1 among cable news channels?

It's quite the conundrum, and the Times explores it in an article today: Fox News, Media Elite

Money quote:

... the network's success could undercut the very raison d'être of Fox News: that it exists as an alternative to what its executives and some of its on-air talent call, disdainfully and often, the media establishment. Fox News has now become popular enough - with an audience whose conservative political leanings track those of the voters who re-elected President Bush - to lay claim to its own place in the establishment.
The Times needn't worry, I think. Conservatives will continue to talk about the "liberal media," as if such a thing exists. The fantasy of the "liberal media" has proven too useful for riling up the heartland masses, and, in Karl Rove's GOP, riling up the heartland masses is simply more important than telling the truth.