The Jersey Girls got spiked. But SBVT ended up on Page 1. Why?
Jason Zengerle, of TNR, whines that the left still has no megaphone and gives some fantastic examples. If you've never heard of the Jersey Girls, the 9/11 widows who supported Kerry, but couldn't get their message into the so-called "liberal" media, you should really read this piece (and of course you didn't hear about the Jersey Girls. The media was to busy falling over itself to write about those liberal, pro-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans)
NOTE TO LGF AND OTHER PERPETRATORS OF THE "LIBERAL" MEDIA CANARD Why are conservatives so reality-adverse? Liberal media? Aren't Rush and his 20 million listeners part of the media? Isn't Sean inSanity with 450 stations part of the media? FOX news? Crossfire? O' Riley? Mathews? etc. etc. etc? Please stop pretending noone listens to you.