Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I don't appreciate or accept Miriam's suggestion that "so many" far-left groups have anti-semitic roots. (Some may have anti-semitic members. But roots? Hardly.) Nor do I think she's right that PETA's new campaign against a kosher slaughterhouse is about Shchita or inherently anti-Semitic.

For starters, PETA concedes Miriam's primary point on the campaign website itself. "Kosher slaughter is more than twice as well regulated as conventional slaughter and is supposed to be more humane." PETA knows shchita is supposed to be more humane, but they don't care because PETA opposes meat-eating in all forms, regardless of how the cow is killed.

PETA, in their own words, operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment. It's on their website. It's why they are in business. One might conclude, that this "simple principle" is why PETA opposes the Postville abettoir.

Ah, but not Miriam. Clever Miriam saw through all that. PETA doesn't love animals. They hate Jews.

And other groups, too, presumably.

Look at PETA's campaign to ban fur. Naked woman were placed in cages in public venues, and we were taught to chant "fur is murder!"(Note: Don't say this to hasidim. They won't remove their shtrimals) All this fuss and for what? Some silly racoons? Discerning students of the Bloghead school know an "anti-rich-movie-stars" campaign when they see one.

And what about the PETA campaign to convince us that fish are intelligent and deserving of respect? Was this merely a fight for animal rights? Or does PETA have it in for small children who love tuna fish sandwiches in their lunchboxes?

Sometimes, Miriam, a cigar is just a cigar. The Shchita campaign is in keeping with everything PETA does. There is no reason to presume a nefarious subtext.


Miriam said...
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Miriam said...
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Miriam said...

Dov Bear: If, as you say, PETA is against ALL animal slaughter, you have to explain why out of thousands of abattoirs across the country, they specifically pick on a Kosher one?
Two possible reasons: a. Shechita is a soft target, in that it is politically vulnerable in so many places (mainly outside of the US, as I wrote, but nonetheless). b. They have not in the past shown themselves to be sensitive to Jewish concerns.
That, at least, was my original premise, which considering PETA's extreme track record was not unreasonable. Since watching the video (which to my knowledge was only posted on their website yesterday afternoon, more than 24 hours after the story 'broke' and I posted about it), it seems likely there is a third option, one which I hope isn't true but at the moment appears to be possible. And that is that there genuinely were violations of law, halacha and of animal rights going on at that abattoir. At the moment, it is unclear to me exactly what we are seeing in the video, and I hope this will become clearer very soon. Let's just hope the rabbis who are defending the abattoir, and claiming that the animals who appear to be alive after shechting are not, and cannot feel anything, are correct, because otherwise the damage to the credibility of our supervisors, Kashrut system and shechita in general will be enormous.

DovBear said...

Miriam, to your first point: ("You have to explain why out of thousands of abattoirs across the country, they specifically pick on a Kosher one?) They have criticized other slaughterhouses. On the campaign website itself, three other slaughterhouses are referenced, and video is provided. Anyway, beyond that fact that _any_ slaughterhouse is a fair PETA target, his particular slaugterhouse is an even better target because they responded to earlier PETA complaints saying that they follow Jewish law. PETA's claim is they do not, which is a legitimate response.

And to your second point: ("They have not in the past shown themselves to be sensitive to Jewish concerns.
") what does PETA owe the Jews? Why should an animal rights organization worry about us?

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