God bless Minnie Levine, 84, of New Rochelle, NY who said ""I voted for John Kerry. I didn't like what Bush did with our country. I think he is a liar. The no child left behind policy wasn't real. Lots of children were left behind. I just really didn't like what he did to our country. I'm very upset at the orthodox Jewish population, because they seem to be under the illusion that Bush did something for Israel, that he protected it, but really, he did nothing. Kerry will be like Clinton and do a lot for Israel"
God bless Jack Lichtenstein, 81, of New York City, who said: “I didn’t need another Messiah. I didn’t need somebody who speaks to God to makes decisions about my country,”
God bless Efrat Aharonowich, 40-something, of PA, who said: "I was considering Bush because of his fondness for Israel, but I thought that overall, for the direction of this country, I had to vote for Kerry."
I'm happy that there are Jews, somewhere, who aren't under the sway of the farmers and the evangelicals.