IT MAKES ME WANT TO CONVERT: Burry Katz has a friend who bought into the system, but got screwed. The poor shlub dedicated his life to teaching Torah. He raised a daughter with a good heart and a good character who desparately wants to marry a Talmud Chocham (ie: a Jewish scholar), but no Talmud Chochom will have her. Why? Because her father isn't rich.
Doesn't that make your blood boil? And please don't think this is a rare occurance. Judaism is eating itself. We're raising a generation of young Jewish scholars who refuse to sacrifice, who refuse to look at a girl's heart instead of her father's wallet.
The boy in Burry's story should be spanked. His father should be executed. His house should be razed. His car should be given to an elderly man who can't get to shul anymore. Fat, selfish Jews and their brain-dead materialism are destroying us. (and yes they almost all voted for Bush)