Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Pesach Scandal in Williamsburg

Straight from Satmar HQ we bring you this "shocking" story of the Satmar Rabbis and some matzo that tasted a little too familiar....

Report by SatmarHQ: SHOCKING!!

3 weeks ago a Ruv came to R Avruhom Laufer-Av”d Darag,and told him that he bought Matzos that was baked this year from Arizona wheat and it tastes salty, R Avruhom asked him to send it with Matzos from Long Island wheat to a lab to check it. After 2 week’s they didn’t send it, R Avrom sent it, and they found each Arizona Matzo (100g) has 36mg sodium!! In time that each Long Island Matzo has 7mg sodium! After this R Avruhom sent someone to buy the Matzos made Arizona wheat and everyone who took it in mouth said that its feel like salty nuts!!!!!

The Mugen Avruhom Paskened Very clear: (Simen 455, Sief Kuten 16) “someone who eats salted Matzo its like eating Chumetz!!” so Darag Ruv called up the Bal Machshir on the aronims bakery in Wmsbg, and told him everything, that he most stop bake it now, also he sent a letter to former Kiryas Yoel Ruv With a copy of the lab paper that Arizona Matzos are SUFEK CHUMETZ!! and they should stop to bake it right away, but as of now there was no response.
The real scandal here is the atrocious English.

Related #1:  A funny yeshivish ad
Related #2: Another funny yeshivish ad

Sent to us by @azigra .