Point: Civilization is going down the tubes! Morality is on the decline! And how do I know? Because of lesbian kisses. Lesbian kisses! 10 years ago you never saw them on TV, and when that Elenor Degenerate person did a lesbian kiss on someone the whole world was up in arms! Today? You can't watch anything on the T.V without seeing lesbians kissing. And that's how I know we're less moral today then we were in years gone by.
Counterpoint: See, I take a different approach. I say we were less moral in the old days when we disrespected people based on their sexuality and expected them to remain hidden, and out of sight. I think the fact that we're more accepting of different kinds of people, less judgmental, and less likely to make people feel like subhumans over trivialities means we are more moral. So, my view is we've come a long way.