Good Morning, DovBear!
I hope you are well. I have two reasons for writing you today.
One... thank you so much for posting my question about tattoos (around Jan. 5, "Still Another Halachic Question"). The responses were enlightening and helpful. As an update, I opted for laser removal and have already begun the treatment. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to post my letter.
Two... A Noahide friend and I are planning to visit NYC later this month. I've visited NYC twice (LOVE IT!!!!) and enjoyed the touristy side, but on this particular trip, we are interested in an authentic Jewish experience. :) Do you have any recommendations in terms of Judaica shopping, Kosher restaurants/delis, and other points of interests? My friend has been to the Rebbe's Ohel in Crown Heights and attended a service in 770 and saw the Rebbe's chair.
Thanks for your time!
Thanks for writing! Glad to hear the tattoo situation was solved. Also, glad to hear you're visiting New York, or as I like to call it: The greatest city in the world. For Jews, New York has everything. Food, shopping, history, and many of the most famous rabbis live here, too. My suggestions for a Jewish tour of New York, would have to include:
(1) Boro Park. Drive around; then get out and take a stroll. Poke your head into any shop or building that interests you, but don't miss the minyan factory, and 13th Avenue. The neighborhoods first shul - a neoclassical beauty built in 1906 - is also worth seeing.
(2) Flatbush: You can see Chaim Berlin and Torah V'das - two of the most famous yeshivot in the world.
(3) Yeshiva University and JTS (JTS's library is outstanding, and there's nothing quite like people watching in the middle of YU's campus.)
(4) The Jewish Museum: especially, if there's a good special exhibit on, but if you have to choose between museums, don't miss the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's out of this world.
FOOD - Manhattan
Mister Broadway - A semi-decent kosher deli, where I spotted Jackie Mason on two separate occasions.
Prime Grill - The city's very best kosher restaurant. Holds its own with any of the treif places.
Le Merias - My favorite among the city's top tier kosher places. Considered a shade below Prime Grill, but still quite excellent.
Jerusalem Pizza - An institution (its still open right?)
FOOD - not in Manhattan
Hamsa - the best Israeli restaurant outside of Tel Aviv (Tenefly)
Sushi Metzuyan - best kosher sushi (Teanek and Queens)
Shang-hai - Cheesy old style Chinese restaurant that does a good job (still open right?) (In Brooklyn)
Eichlers: huge selection of Judaica (Manhattan and Brooklyn)
Readers, I kept the list short. Please add your favs.
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