Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The most disturbing Israel tourism ad you will ever see

In which Israel sells itself with oral sex. Must be seen, to be believed.

Watching this, you may find yourself wondering if maybe Satmar had it right.

Drat. Some Ayatollah took it down. Here's the script:

Girl: Uhhh…
Boy: What?
G: Don’t be mad…It’s just that it’s small…
B: Small?!
G: I don’t know if I can go there.
B: I consider this a spot of worship. It may be small, but it’s brought the driest places to life. Baby, this is paradise. [camera pans to show map of Israel and tourist guidebooks covering boy's crotch].
G: OK, but if I go down there for you, you have to promise you’ll go down south for me next winter.

Read the whole story here.

Satamr had it right? Lemme explain. By this I'm referring only to the Satmar promise that the establishment of the modern state of Israel would contribute to the degeneracy of the Jewish people.


Its been found elsewhere. Post updated.

Search for more information about bad ads at 4torah.com.

Going to Israel?
Now get 2 phones for the price of 1 (and free calls too) with Talk'n'Save.