Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Sauce for the Goose

Via CA
Looks like the atheists are finally seeing what worked for Christians and Jews: A little indoctrination for their kids. It starts with the camps described here but before long they'll have special atheistic private schools, and if the right-wingers get their way, these G-dless folks will be able to use taxpayer money via school vouchers to indoctrinate their kids. Before long, the missionaries and kiruv clowns will be getting serious competition from the Christopher Hitchens League, and politicians will have to cravenly pretend that, they too, don't believe in God.
This connects to a "be-careful-what-you-wish-for" point I've often made about school vouchers. [Original (107 comments) Summer 2009 re-run (148 comments)]

If they ever go through, every religion and fringe political group will set up their own schools. We'll have atheist schools, Klansmen schools and so on. If history is any guide, some of these non-secular schools will teach their students unfriendly fictions about the Jews. (Pre-Vatican II this was common in Catholic schools.)

Without the moderating presence of students from other faiths and traditions, these insults will go unchallenged. Many non-Jews will grow up being as absolutely certain of Jewish duplicity in the same way that many yeshiva graduates have grown up certain of gentile inferiority.

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