Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Demolishing dumb arguments: Jews shouldn't pay school tax

Heard at shul:

Why should Jews pay the school tax? They get almost nothing for it!

My reply: We don't do cafeteria-style taxing in this country. I may not use the park, or the highway, but I still must pay for both. A guy who doesn't use the library still has to pay the tax special library tax, most municipalities impose. A family with one kid pays the same school tax as a family with ten kids. And so on.

If East Ramapo is like every other Jewish town, the Jews are getting textbooks, busing, special ed, speech therapy, use of public school grounds (helpful because Jewish schools rarely have auditoriums or ball fields), and more.

So, while its true the Jews don't get the same benefits as a public school family, they are getting more than elderly grandparents, or childless couples - who also must pay the tax.

Search for more information about taxes at 4torah.com.