Taking advantage of the fact that you are all abed, the British sneakily get in with the first post-fast post.
So, as the Bishop famously remarked to the actress, how was it for you?
Our Kol Nidre - a 3 hour performance. Daytime was fine with no break (and the fast went out at 730pm, with davenning starting at 915). Neilah was an hour at Chabad - the highpoint of the day.
Sermon on KN a lengthy excursus on the evils of modern society and how technology has simply made us unhappy, as opposed to the discipline and community spirit of Judaism. Too long, too unfocussed in its detail and I'm not sure about the topic. Sermon on YK day (the other Rabbi) about how wonderful it was to see the shul so full and how the opportunities are there for people to do more this year. Sort of bad cop good cop, but I doubt it was deliberate. Missed pre-Neilah sermon as I was in transit from one shul to another.
Spiritual highs - 3. Once in shacharit when accepting my essential unworthiness. Once in Mincha when we ask 'Mi k'amcha Yisrael?' which I always think is a spine-tingling moment. Once in Neilah when I was carried away by the joy of those around me as they showed their confidence in our atonement by their singing. Not bad for 25 hours...
Spiritual lows - 2. Kol Nidre becoming a dirge-like pain and the story of the 10 Rabbis which always seems to me to be utterly out of kilter with the day, which is essentially optimistic. Move it to Tisha Ba'Av say I.
Post fast - cake, sweet tea, fish, more cake, getting out succah panel (one only - I was tired), bed.
Post-fast moment. Waking up this am, having the usual glass of water and really meaning my bracha.
Search for more information about how to rave it up on Yom Kippur at 4torah.com.

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