A Guest Post by Rafi G
According to some new survey and research from England (I saw it reviewed on the Israeli website Mako, not the original survey), women are much more likely to cheat on their spouse than men.The main reason given by women for their infidelity is boredom.
I am not going to break down the numbers or analyze the statistics. You can go there and do it yourself.
I recently learned in Shulchan Aruch that a wife should be encouraged to work, even part-time for just a small part of the day ("work" does not necessarily mean a regular job in an office, but "work" means to keep busy with something and not just sit around and have maids taking care of all her obligations. It could be housework and raising children could also be considered "work" for this purpose. Speak to your LOR or therapist for clarification on this). The reason is, the Shulchan Aruch says, is that boredom gets people in trouble, specifically "trouble" in the form of sexual infidelity.
So the English research project of today confirms what the SHulchan Aruch wrote 500 years ago.
Search for more information about adulterous wives at 4torah.com.