Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Prove you can follow simple directions and win a Rosh Hashana gift basket from Oh! Nuts.

There's a fabulous Rosh Hashana gift basket from Oh! Nuts waiting for a reader who can successfully complete the following tasks:

(1) Go to the Oh! Nuts Rosh Hashanah Gifts page [here];

(2) Select your favorite Rosh Hashanah Gift; and

(3) Comment on this blog post with the name of the gift.

On Thursday, Sept 10, I will use complicated mathematical algorithms and advanced scientific formulas developed by experienced Nobel Prize winners to randomly pick a winner after which Oh! Nuts will send the winner his or her gift.

If this sounds too difficult, or if you'd like to maximaixe your chances of winning, you can also enter by doing one of the following:

(1) Go to the Oh! Nuts facebook page and put your  Rosh Hashanah Gift selection on their wall (be sure to also say something like, "I'm here via DovBear"; or

(2)  Follow @ohnuts on Twitter and make the following Tweet " Win a free Rosh Hashanah Gift from http://bit.ly/2OwulF Follow @ohnuts & Retweet to enter." (Mention @dovbear, too, if you like.)

Enter all three ways. Increase your chances.

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