Thursday, October 23, 2008

Boo hoo hoo. Whah wha wah

Washed up, all but forgotten, intellectual hack Newt Gingrich thinks Palin has grounds for a lawsuit against SNL for the presenting Queen Sarah as something less than the Goddess Newty imagines her to be.

What's also funny, in a sad, makes you want to slit your wrists sort of way, is how these Republican fools keep talking about how the "elite" media mistreats their candidates. Yeah right. Al Gore and John Kerry sure were kid-gloved by SNL. Remember the sighs? And if the media is so elite, and so liberal loving, why have they subjected Obama to the sort of scrutiny and criticism Palin and McCain haven't ever received from their puppies at Fox and the EIB network? And, did you catch how that non-biased, entitely objective, pure as the driven snow Fox News reporter framed her question?

Anyway, the funniest of the Palin skits, was the one in which Tina Fey quoted Palin's exact words.

(Incidentally, calling Bill Ayres a terrorist as the "elite" media and the McCain family surrogates have done incessantly for the less few weeks might qualify as slander since he has not, in fact, ever been convicted of terrorism. Also, notice how Newt isn't quibbling with SNL's portrayal of McCain as senile?)

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