Thursday, June 05, 2008

Zot Torah

NYC is the Big Apple, NOLA is the Big Easy, and Beitar Illite is the "Torah City of the Judean Hills." No joke. Or rather it wasn't a joke until this happened:
A 14-year-old girl from Beitar Illite was taken to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem after an unknown person spilled acid on her face, legs and stomach, causing light burn wounds. The act has been attributed to a representative of the so-called 'modesty guard' in this town where religious and secular residents are increasingly at bitter odds.[Source: Ynet]
Our crack Beitar Illite correspondent says there's even a sign at the city gate which reads "Ir HaTorah b'Orai Yehuda." If so, I hope its torn down and used to stuff the private orfices of the self-rightuous thug that did this.

HT Amshi