Thursday, February 07, 2008


One reason conservatives have been able to navigate the rapids ofmodern America is that they’ve often gone out of their way to make their case with good cheer. William F. Buckley, the father of the conservative movement, skewered liberals, but always with wit and élan -- William Kristol, writing on February 5, in the New York Times
Certain Republicans live in a bizzaro land of their own making, and Kristol's last column helps prove it. Only in bizzaro land have Conservatives gone out of their way to make their case with good cheer. Here, in the real world, conservatives use nasty words like traitor, and commie and terrorist-lover. They gay bait. [Father William F. Bucky himself for all his wit and élan was a gay-baiter] They publish books suggesting liberals and Hitler are twins separated at birth. And so on and so forth.

You read Kristol's words and you just have to ask yourself what kind of besotted nut is capable of not only ignoring the truth, but of claiming that the opposite has taken place? What kind of person is capable of seeing nasty and destructive words repeated again and again without recognizing them for what they are? Is it a kind of Stokholm Syndrome? Or perhaps Kristol has decided, for some reason, that Conservatives are generaly good, kind people, so therefore even the awful things they say are l'shem shamayim.

What a dangerous delusion.

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