Of special interest in their list of the top 12 piyyutim of all time, and musical renditions of some of the best ones, together with background information and elucidations.
Their top twelve are as follows: (chronologically)
1 - Kel Adon (duh)
2 - Dror Yikra (duh)
3 - Yedidi Hashachachta (eh)
4 - Shachar Avaksech (don't know it)
5 - Achot Ktana (I like it, but find it more difficult, and less accessible than some others on the list)
6 - Yigdal (duh)
7 - Lacha dodi (duh)
8 - Koh Ribon Olam (duh)
9 - Yedid Nefesh (duh)
10 - Adol Hakol (don't know it)
11 - Melech Goel U'moshia (don't know it)
12 - Keli Lama Azavtani (don't know it)
I'd have also included:
HaAderet vHaemuna
Mee Pi Kel
Melech Elyon
Adon Olam