Friday, October 19, 2007

A recipe for reconciliation

Yesterday, I called for reconciliation among the various sub sects of Orthodox Judaism. After another shower, and some conversation with rabonim, hasidim, bloggers and commenters, I'm ready with my recommendations for each group. [Those of you who were waiting on the edge of your seats are excused from reading this post]

Modern Orthodox:

Stop: Looking down your nose at anyone who isn't unreflectivly Zionist/Pro-Likud.

Start: Making it emphatically clear that you respect halacha as much as anyone else.

Continue: Giving huge sums of money to Hasidic and Yeshivish institutions.

Liberal Orthodox

Stop: Mocking and attacking the sincerely held beliefs of people who don't know any better.

Start: Making it emphatically clear that you respect halacha as much as anyone else.

Continue: The respectful conversation about the difference between ikkar and toful in 2007 Judaism

RW Yeshivish Orthodox

Stop: Looking down your nose at anyone who isn't able to decode a tosfot on the first try.

Start: Preparing your children to live in the world, and outside of the kolel bubble.

Continue: Emphasizing the primary, non-negotiable importance of limud torah.

LW Yeshivish Orthodox

Stop: Running to copy and embrace everything Hasidic at the expense of everything else the tradition has to offer.

Start: Giving the religion of the head equal emphasis with the religion of the heart


Hard-Core Hasidic

Stop: Treating the rest of us, and by extension the rest of the tradition, like we're chazer treif.

Start: Alllowing your children to learn English and vocational skills.


Soft-Core Hasidic

Stop: Hanging out at bars

Continue: .