If this wasn't so laughable it would be sad, but the Bush administration is truly pathetic. It has been several years since we vowed to go after the person responsible for the gruesome muder of 3,000 Americans and get him "dead or alive." While the Grand Ole' Party wastes precious time debating the National Anthem, the american flag, homosexual cohabitation, and denying a minimum wage increase for the first time in ten years - Osama Bin Laden is still out there. So when the terror leader issues a new statement in response to the Zarqwi death and his replacement, what does the Bush White House do? They engage in a war words in the media spin, as if Osama Bin Laden is a political rival or soemthing.
The funniest Quote:
"These terrorists offer nothing in their ideology and messages beyond future fighting, conflict and misery," the Bush administration said in a statement read by a White House official.
Well, duh, I'm sure glad he cleared that up.
(Cross TTC)